Saturday, August 9, 2014


Titus 1:15-16
To the pure, all things are pure,  but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled. They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.

 Paul speaks blatantly to Timothy saying keep yourselves pure. Such a commandment! Purity is impossibility apart from the grace and gift of God. God covers us in the blood of Christ making us new imputing the righteousness of Christ to us. It is that righteousness that becomes our purity in the eyes of God.  

But at the same time, we are to grow in purity on a daily basis. How? We must put off the deeds of the flesh and saturate ourselves in the word of God. Understanding the nature of the unbeliever should make a clear differentiation for the believer. Am I  doing, thinking, feeling, or speaking anything that is defiling? Would I take Jesus with me in all the areas of my life? [ News flash: Jesus is with me if I am His.]  If something is defiling, I need to put it off. and cleanse myself through confession and repentance. Hopefully, the believer would not profess to know God [which he should], and yet have the actions of his life reveal something else.  Do the actions of my life point to Jesus?  Believers must not participate or even spectate things that are detestable. Disobedience and a rebellion toward authority can not describe the life of a believer.God expressly desires obedience to all that He says. If I persist in this way of living, I am not His, and consequently I am not fit for good works. This is sobering. How I live reflects whose I am! How I think reflects whose I am! How I feel reflects whose I am? If I am pure in Jesus then I need to be pure in all things. The key is not to jump in and try and live like this in my own strength, but to do it in the strength and power of Jesus. 

You have blessed my life in giving me Jesus. Help to me to put off the deeds of the flesh and to put on the deeds of the Spirit. I want to walk in the Spirit constantly.
In Jesus name,

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