Is. 12: 1
"You will say in that day: I will give thanks to You, O Lord, for though You were angry with me, Your anger turned away, that You might comfort me."
In that day, Israel will be turned back to God. They will have endured judgment and hardship commensurate with the hardness and rebellion of their hearts. But God will not leave them without hope because in that day, the tables will be turned. Israel will say, "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation." What a time of rejoicing when their hearts are united to their God! As they draw water from the wells of salvation, they will have hearts and mouths of thanksgiving, calling on His name and telling of His deeds. They will be singing because God has done gloriously. "Shout and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel." They will be finally home! God is faithful and has afflicted His people in faithfulness. What He has begun in them, He will bring to completion. The same goes for me. When I am afflicted, He does so in faithfulness. His Words are faithful and true. I can count on Him bringing me to completion and meeting Him in glory.
Keep my mouth and heart ever praising You and telling of Your deeds. Help me to speak out without fear.
In Jesus name,
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