Jonah 4:2
"And he prayed to the Lord and said, 'O Lord, is not this what I said when I was yet in my country? that is why I made haste to flee to Tarshish; for I knew that You are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relenting from disaster."
Amazingly, even though Jonah knew the character of God, and had no doubt experienced the mercy of God himself, he could not show mercy to others. Perhaps Jonah's journey to the Ninevites was more for his own spiritual growth than for their salvation. Perhaps God was taking him on a journey that revealed his inner, unloving nature. God showed him that His children show mercy to all, not just to those who are merciful in return or to those who are socially acceptable, but to those who are enemies. When believers receive God's mercy and forgiveness for their sins, they realize the true blackness of their hearts. They realize that they were enemies of God and had absolutely no righteousness in themselves. In essence, they were Ninevites as well! Basking in this great mercy should change their very natures. It should make them extend this same great mercy to others, even to the Ninevites in their lives.
It is interesting that the book ends with an unanswered question. What did Jonah do? Was his heart changed and impacted by God's mercy? But the important question is, what about my heart? Is my heart impacted by God's mercy? Who are the Ninevites in my life, and do I show them mercy?
Teach me to have a merciful heart toward all, especially toward those in my life that are difficult for me to love. Give my Your grace and strength to do this.
In Jesus name,
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