Thursday, June 21, 2012

Take Heart

Mk. 6:50-51
...for they all saw Him and were terrified. But immediately He spoke to them and said, Take heart, it is I, Do not be afraid. And He got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased.

The disciples were sailing across the water to the other side while Jesus dismissed the crowd. Certainly, this would be an easy task for the fisherman/disciples since their livelihood had come from the water, but as it turns out the water were difficult because the wind was strong. During this time, Jesus had been praying on a mountain, and when He was done, He saw the churning waters. What was He to do? He wanted to meet their need so He came to them walking on the water. Their first response was that what they were seeing was a ghost. As they cried out in fear, Jesus tried to calm them by saying, Take heart, it is I, Do not be afraid. And He got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. The passage says that they were utterly astounded. They really couldn't understand how Jesus could have fed the people previously, walked on the water, and then calmed the sea. Who was this man that they were following?

In my life, there are times when I am doing the things that I have always done (like fishing or sailing a boat for the disciples) and things go awry. It is like I can no longer function as I used to. Why? Perhaps Jesus wants me to see that He needs to be part of my everyday routine, the power in my sails. When He came into my life, He gave me a new power source, and He must teach me to use it! Trials (storms) seem to be the quickest way to learning these vital lessons about abiding in Him. Regardless of what I have to go through, He is in my boat saying those comforting words, Take heart, it is I, Do not be afraid. Is there really a need for me to hear those words when life is operating smoothly? No, I know that the difficulties are the path to the victories and the growth. I know that the trials make me realize the joys of having Jesus in my life.

Teach me more each day to call on Jesus during the mundane, everyday tasks. Help me to be constantly abiding in Him.
In Jesus name,

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