Friday, May 10, 2013


Gal. 1:23
They only were hearing it said. He who used to persecute us in now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy. And they glorified God because of me.
Paul was astonished at the Galatians because they had so quickly deserted the faith, the faith that is the only, one true gospel. Paul's words were so strong concerning the gospel that he declared if anyone else, himself included, preached another gospel, they would be accursed. How powerful is this gospel!
Paul did not seek man's approval in his preaching, but if he were trying to please man, he would not be a servant of Christ. The same is true for me. Anything that I do must be done for Christ alone! His reputation revealed the transformation of his life. He who used to persecute us in now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy. And they glorified God because of me. How great would it be to have others say that they glorified God because of what He has done in me! This is my prayer that I would stand and stay true to the gospel allowing it to transform my life!
Build in me a reputation that brings glory to Your name. Give me Your grace and strength to stand firm to the gospel and to teach it.
In Jesus name,

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