Col. 2:9
For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily...
Without Him where would I be? Lost and undone...I am blessed with all He has done for me. Such a powerful passage, one that I need to read, memorize, meditate on, and pray. It needs to become one with my soul. Keeping it in the forefront of my thinking should help me live in this reality.
- And you have been filled in Him-Filled with the fullness of the deity and filled with the One who is the head of all rule and authority-Amazing and so hard to understand that He would desire to do such a thing and that I should be the recipient of such a gift! How should I live in view of this?
- In Him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of he flesh, by the circumcision of Christ-My heart has been changed. He has cut off the body of flesh and given me His Spirit. So why do I struggle so much with the flesh? Am I not realizing and counting it to be so? Is my faith weak, or is sin too enticing?
- Having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were raised from the dead-Buried and raised...a resurrection that remade me a person who desires and nature is totally different. Yet, do I always desire this? If I did, would I be struggling with sin?
- And you who were dead in your trespasses and the circumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with Him...- I was dead in my sins! Dead, dead, dead! and in the circumcision of my flesh, but God made me alive together with Him. New life-resurrection power!! Do I live like my life is energized by this new resurrection power? Do I truly understand the process? I know that it comes from God to me and is not hinged on what I do. It is not a work of flesh, in fact, it is contrary to my flesh. It must be through Him!! Relishing Him, thinking of Him, honoring Him, believing Him, serving Him...He must fill my life completely, every moment must be His!
- Having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the cross.-Forgiveness is a glorious word! No more living in regret and fear of reprisal! He has cleared my path and has made me new by sacrificing Himself. What a gift! As I compare my paltry life and love to His, I am chagrined. How could I struggle so much? What kind of ingrate is that? My heart is filled with thankfulness to Him and praise to His name!
In Him I am complete. I am everything, all I am and ever hope to be!
Thank You for this great gift of love, Your Son. It boggles my mind to realize the gifts that You have given me through Christ. Continue to teach me to live ihis reality. I confess my weakness and sin.
In His name,
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