Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Low Down on Idols

Jer. 51:17-18
"Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false, and there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish. "

Even though Jeremiah knew that idols were the plague of humanity, distracting, captivating, and many times becoming an obsession, he had to convince the people involved. He spoke firmly and clearly about these things that people love. First, the idol worshipper is stupid and without knowledge. By implication an idol worshipper does not use his brain in this choice; instead, he chooses from something primal or visceral, the desires and wants, the hidden things that seek personal gratification. Somehow the worship of this idol gives a perverted fulfillment.
Secondly, they are worthless and delusional. They promise great things, but it is all a sham. In reality, they give nothing and are not real. Even though this is true, it doesn't change the reality of them to the person addicted to them. It could be they are like an addiction to drugs, pills, or alcohol. Somehow the one addicted believes those things are bringing him benefit,  making him high, or helping him cope, but in reality they are destroying the person from the inside out. They are stealing the essence of that person and his capacity to know God. Finally, when God says, their end is their doom. They will be destroyed. So these worshippers are betting on a losing proposition.
Does this apply to idols in my life? Certainly, anything that I love more than God or in competition with God is worthless and delusional. What I think I am gaining from it is not even reality, and the end result is that my capacity to love and worship God is diminished. Have I taken every thought captive to Jesus? Am I listening to the Holy Spirit as He reveals idols?
Keep my heart from idols. Fix my eyes only on You.
In Jesus name,

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