Monday, August 8, 2011

Rejected Silver

Jer. 6:30
"Rejected silver they are called, for the Lord has rejected them."

What an indictment! Normally silver would be a thing of quality, beauty, and value, but because Israel rejected God, He has rejected them. What had they done? What caused God to reject them? What did this rejection mean?

First, their rejection was based on the sow/reap principle. God's judgment perfectly matched their rejection of Him. "As you have forsaken me and served foreign gods in your land, so you  shall serve foreigners in a land that is not yours."

Secondly, their sin was based on their heart attitudes. "This people has a stubborn and rebellious heart; they have turned aside and gone away." They had no fear of God whatsoever. In fact, their sins prevented the goodness of God from being their stay.

Finally, the hearts' attitudes resulted in horrible actions. With faces harder than rock, they refused to take correction and to repent. This was not an accident but a choice. Following their parents' example, the children rejected God. Adultery and prostitution filled the land. In their conversations they spoke falsely of the Lord. Not only that but the prophets prophesied falsely, and the priests followed their lead. Because they refused to pay attention to the Words of God, their burnt offerings and sacrifices were not pleasing to God. God's only recourse: judgment. They would be rejected silver, useless and worthless.

Keep my heart tender and pliable. Build within me a fear for You and a love for Your word.
In Jesus name,

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