Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Living and Abiding Word

I Pet. 1:22-23
"Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable , through the living and abiding Word of God."
The purpose of my obedience to the truth is to love others earnestly from a pure heart. In my flesh, this is an impossibility. It can only become a reality through the truth of the Word. God's Word is alive, sharper than a two-edged sword revealing the thoughts and intents of the heart. It is in this revelation that my true motives towards others are revealed. Even though I might appear to love others, in my heart, there is striving. What can I do about that? I need to go to the Word. Here there is purification for my soul through obedience to the truth. It is from a heart saturated in the Word that I can actually have sincere brotherly love. Without the Word in its supernatural and life-changing power, I am doomed to a heart of selfishness. What place does the Word have in my life? Do I go there frequently for my heart issues? Do I seek love from God to share with others?
How can the Word have this power? I have been thinking that the Word is not just a book. It is so much more. It is alive and powerful, a relationship with God Himself, and grace given freely for my many weaknesses. I should never think that I need to read the Bible so I have spent my daily time there; instead I need to think I want to be with God. I want to hear what He has to say to me today, to fellowship with Him, and to feast on of the riches of His grace. I need to relate to the Word for what it truly is and not demote it to the status of only a book.
Even more than that, it was through the Word that I was born again because the Word is living and abiding. It is life itself. How could something so powerful only be considered a book? How do I think about the Word? Is my head-knowledge about the Word actually a reality in my life? If I actually believed it was my one-on-one time with God Himself, would I ever miss it for any reason?
Reveal Yourself to me within the pages of Your Word. Grow our relationship in ways that only You know. Purify my love so that I may love others as You would.

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