Monday, August 9, 2010

Peace! Be Still!

Mk. 4:39

"And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still! And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm."

Jesus was in a boat with His disciples when a windstorm arose. The waves were riled, crashing against and breaking into the boat, but Jesus was asleep. He was resting in the midst of the storm because He was Peace Himself, but His disciples were overwrought with fear. Frantically, they woke Him asking if He did not care about them. They didn't ask if He could calm the storm, but only if He cared for them. I guess what was most important to them was sympathy, or maybe having Jesus share their fear. They wanted Him to experience what they were experiencing. Is this a lesson in dealing with people? Is sympathetic listening of key importance to fearful people? I am not really sure since Jesus did much more than that. He rebuked the sea commanding it to be at peace, and of course, the sea obeyed. The One who is Peace and who was at peace commanded peace and peace resulted. He is all about peace, peace in and through the storm.

Then He gets to the root of their problem. It wasn't their fear. It wasn't that they needed sympathy and care, but it was their hearts. In the midst of the storm, their faith was weak, maybe even non-existent. They had seen Jesus perform many miracles, but yet they doubted that He could take care of them. Even after Jesus exposed their true heart condition and had calmed the sea, they were still unaware of who He truly was. They said to one another, "Who is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him?" In time, the disciples would know Jesus was the Son of God but not just yet. Imagine being there and seeing this happen. How incredulous! What would have been my response? How strong would my faith have been?

The story drives home some important lesson for me:
  • Jesus is always in control of all the storms in my life. His plan was established before time began, and in the storm, I can see His perfect timing, timing for my good and for my growth.
  • Jesus is always with me in the storm. The storms will still be there, but He will be there with me. He will be my strength and my portion in any situation.
  • As I go through storms, I learn more about the nature and character of Jesus. Our relationship grows in the storms even more than in the times of calm. In storms, my desire for Him is so much greater. I am hanging on to Him for my very life which is exactly what He wants. He wants to be my life!
  • I also see that Jesus not only rebuked the wind, but exposed the hearts of the disciples. When I am in a storm, His Spirit exposes my heart's sinful patterns. Whatever is wrong, His Spirit goes straight to the problem. A problem exposed is a problem deposed.

I am so thankful that Jesus is in my boat. He is there for me answering my every call no matter how misguided or right-on-the-mark it is. How blessed I am!


What an amazing Savior You have given me. Thank You for giving my new life and having the Spirit of Your Son living within me. Strengthen my faith. Use whatever it takes, even a storm.

In Jesus name,


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