Friday, August 6, 2010

Set Apart

Ps. 4:3
"But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him."
God's words in verse 3 are in response to the heart condition and actions of certain evil men, men who love vain words, lies, and have consequently turned His honor into shame (v. 2). Such men can never be pleasing to God nor subvert God's plan. I get the feeling that God's heart is grieved and pleading when He says, "How long...How long..." But even with this grief, God can not condone or ignore their heart attitude. He states clearly that He sets apart godly men for Himself. Not only does He set them apart, but He hears their every call, calls for help, protection, and even calls for their godliness to grow and flourish.
Will these evil men hear God's words? Would they even consider what God has to say? Since they are men who are concerned with turning God's honor into shame, I think that they might be within listening distance. Often the enemy hides within the ranks, 'among the congregation of the righteous' to subvert and to pervert godliness. As far as the power of God's words, it is unlimited! They might foolishly think they are damaging God and His servants, but that is so untrue! God is always in control! As far as the message of His words affecting the hearts and plans of these men, I think they are bent on a course of destruction. So whose heart do these words comfort? I think it is the heart of the godly. When He says that He has set the godly apart and will hear and answer their cries, I imagine He has dealt with many of their fears. He has reassured them of His power over evil in a personal and practical way.
There is an application for me as well. Since I am set apart by God to be godly, I know that when I call to Him He is there to hear and answer. If a scheme of an evil one is encroaching on my heart, all that I have to do is call, and He will be my portion. Since it is God Himself who has set me apart, I know that sphere of Satan's influence is severely limited. It is like I am encircled with God's plan. What a blessing this verse is! What reassurance and hope! I don't have to fear, I only have to call.
As I am set apart for You, keep my eyes focused forward, listening to Your leading, and calling on Your name. Thank You for encircling me in Your power and in Your plan.
In Jesus name,

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