Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Slow on the Uptake

Mk. 8:21

"And He said to them, "Do you not yet understand?"

The disciples and Jesus had forgotten to bring bread on their journey. Even though they had seen Jesus feed large groups of people twice, they were still concerned about securing bread. In fact, they didn't even ask Jesus but discussed it among themselves. Sometimes, I am like that. When I have a problem, instead of going to Jesus, I talk to other people who can really do nothing about the problem. Often, I don't even think of praying or talking to others, I just plunge in on my own. How foolish!

Jesus came down a little harder on the disciples this time. He questioned them repeatedly, infact 8 different times beginning with the bread issue and ending with their lack of understanding. Were their eyes and ears truly perceiving what Christ was doing? Finally, Jesus asked them specifically how much bread was left over from the two times that He had fed the crowds. They knew the right answers, yet they didn't come to Jesus for bread. They had the head knowledge but not the heart knowledge. They had not allowed the miracles to become faith in their lives. So sad! His final question was, "Do you not yet understand?" I am wondering if Jesus asks that of me. How many times do I sin in the same ways without ever grasping the lesson? How many times do I fret, worry , or even try and solve a problem in my own inadequate way when I should come to Him? How many times am I like the disciples in my lack of understanding about true spiritual issues?

In addition to the questions, Jesus gave them one harsh warning. "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod." I think there was an urgency in Jesus' voice because the disciples were on a path that would end badly. With dulled spiritual vision and hearing, their hearts would become cold and hard. How horrible to be so close to Jesus and yet so far! He cautioned them about two kinds of leaven. First, Jesus mentioned the leaven of the pharisees or self-righteousness. The pharisees needed no one for their spiritual bread because they were self-sufficient, or so they thought. Their bread needs had been replaced wtih a critical spirit of others and even of Jesus Himself. Second, He mentions the leaven of Herod or outright disbelief with no pretense of spirituality. I am blown away as I consider how fast the descent is from witnessing the miracles to outright disbelief. What a warning to me to keep the eyes and ears of my spirit spiritually attuned and receptive to Jesus!

I confess my foolishness in choosing my own way over Your miraculous grace. Keep my eyes and ears open wide to absorb all that You are doing in my life. Send Your Spirit in a mighty way to convict me and draw me back to You.
In Jesus name,

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