Friday, August 13, 2010

Greatness through Servanthood

Mk. 10:43

"But whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man come not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."

When James and John sought special placement by Jesus, it not only resulted in disunity and strife among the disciples, but it gave Jesus an opportunity to teach two principles. The first is that desiring to be great does not bring greatness in the kingdom of God. In fact, it is the opposite. Greatness comes from servant hood. Just as Jesus came to serve and be a ransom for many, so He calls believers to do. James and John had served well and were willing to follow Jesus down that path of suffering and even death, but still they thought that with that should come special positions. Jesus says plainly, not so. Instead their desire should be for more serving in whatever way Jesus called them to do. Is this true for me as well? Am I spending my life in service for others? I realize that being great in godliness is not remotely related to being great in this world's system, but it is difficult to lose that mindset. God values sacrifice not self-service, giving not taking, and humility not pride.

Secondly, Jesus showed that desiring notice and greatness causes disunity among the body of Christ, and here specifically among the disciples. If believers are concerned with the needs of others, then there won't be strife and discord. A servant's attitude would eliminate so many of the personal problems within the church. What is my attitude when I am at church? Am I wanting others to notice what I do? Am I desiring praise and admiration? Or am I, like James and John, wanting special notice in glory? This story really makes me examine my motives for service. Am I relying on His grace so that my fleshy desires are out of the picture? Am I wanting to serve without receiving anything in return?

Purify my heart and my motives. Take away my striving for personal reward and praise. Help me to serve selflessly as I seek to be conformed to the image of Jesus.
In His name,

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