Sunday, August 15, 2010

Giving Out of Poverty

Mk. 12:44

"For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on."

Earlier in this chapter Jesus teaches about the most important commandment, that is loving the Lord God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. It seems as if the story of the rich and the poor widow illustrates this commandment to a tee. The rich did give big offerings, but they gave them out of their abundance. There was little to no sacrifice involved. What they gave was only a trifle of what they still possessed, but even though the poor widow came with a very small offering, she gave her all. It says that she gave her living allowance. There was nothing left for her food or rent. Wow! What a gift! I am pretty sure that if I were down to my last bit of money that I would be grasping it tightly and not giving it away. What faith in God she had! What love! I pray that my love for God would grow to this extent, that I could trust Him for all, and I literally mean all, and that my grasp on what I think I need would be something I could freely give to God. I wonder if her faith and trust was great before she gave, or if she gave out of obedience, and then her faith and trust grew to match her obedience. What a thought! I am blown away by this story, by this woman who could give so much when she had so little. What keeps me from this kind of giving? Why is my faith so small? Why do I allow my worldly common sense to control my spirit?

The issue here is giving out of abundance or giving out of poverty in possessions, time, money, and love. When I love God with all the heart, soul, mind, and strength, it requires me giving my all. It requires self-sacrifice to the degree that anything that the world has to offer is nothing, even money, food, shelter. Hasn't God promised that He would provide all these things if I would seek Him first. This is what the poor widow did. She lived out practically Mt. 6:33, "but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
She believed in the grace of God for all her future needs. How convicting for my heart!

I want to pray for You to pry my fingers loose from the things that I feel are the bare necessities. Yet, I am afraid. "I believe. Help my unbelief." Grow me in Your grace and strength so that my love will be focused singularly on You.
In Jesus name,

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