Thursday, January 6, 2011

His Hand

Prov. 11:10
"In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind."

God has the power of life and death, that includes the lives of all Job's children. Job knows that wisdom and might belong to God, and when God tears down, no one else can rebuild. Ultimately, nothing happens apart from God's express will and purpose. All this Job knows, but that is not what he wantss. What he wants is to be able to speak to God, to ask questions, and to argue his case. Are those desires right? Should man be allowed to do that?

Perhaps, that is one of the huge points of this narrative. God wants His children to accept whatever comes from His hand. Understanding why is not necessarily in the cards. God Himself said that His thoughts are not my thoughts, and His ways are not my ways. Even if God would have granted Job's desire, would Job have understood? Probably not! Man is short-sighted while God is long-term. He knows the end from the beginning; in fact,  He knows how all life weaves together to make His supernatural tapestry. When I consider the differences between the mind of God and mine, I see clearly why communication is so limited. He is the infinite, everlasting, all-mighty, God, and I am a small, finite, flesh-flawed human. Complete understanding is not possible, but it is my hope that when I go to be with Him, I will be like Him and see Him as He is. I will understand and bring complete glory to His name.

Teach me to trust You in all the details of my life, even the hard, painful ones. Help me rest in Your peace and comfort.
In Jesus name,

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