Friday, February 4, 2011

Contentment vs. Grumbling

Ex. 16:4
"Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day, that I may test them, whether they walk in my law or not."

Sounded like a simple thing! Bread appeared each day and needed to be gathered according to certain guidelines. Yet, even though it was miraculously provided and met all their hunger needs, the Israelites were not happy; in fact, they grumbled. In the grand scheme of sin, grumbling does not sound like that devastating of a sin either, but really it is discontentment with God's provision. When my perspective becomes God's perspective, grumbling becomes heinous! How can man reject God's provision? How can man reject Jesus Christ, the bread from heaven?

The purpose of the provision was so that God could see their obedience. Amazing to me, but certainly not to God, was the fact that He could know their hearts through a simple thing like bread. If they couldn't obey God in food gathering, what would their obedience be like in other areas? Even though Moses told them specifically how to gather, how much to gather, and when to gather the manna, many could not do it. But those who gathered it exactly as Moses said, that is measuring it with an omer, had nothing left over nor did they lack anything. If they obeyed the instruction, their physical hunger needs were met exactly. "My grace is sufficient for You."  What He gives will always be my sufficiency and meet my needs exactly. Am I satisfied with my circumstances in life? Am I seeing God's hand behind the provision or am I struggling with self-will and wanting more? Instead of God's way, do I want my own way?

It was hard for Moses to deal with their constant grumbling and disobedience. He became angry. The sin that grew from dissatisfaction and self-will in the people, produced sin in the leader. Even though Moses obeyed and was contented with God's provision, He was being sifted as well. His unchecked anger would be his undoing in the future. What is my heart like when the attitudes of others are sinful? Do I take it personally forgetting to go to God for more grace? Do I constantly remember that the people God calls me to minister to are His people and not mine? I must be contented with the way that He is working in other's lives even if it is different than how He is working in my life. I am tested as well to show whether or not I walk in God's laws or not.

Rain down Your grace in my life so that my heart may be right toward You. Grow Your Spirit's fruit in my life so that I will respond to others in Your love.
In Jesus name,

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