Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ready, Set, Go

Num. 1-2

With the completion of the Tabernacle, the people of Israel now had the presence of God in their midst. And, as their God, He was giving detailed instructions for the journey to the promised land. As they began this time of preparation for war, the tribes were counted and positioned around the tent of meeting with the tabernacle at the center stating clearly that  God was the heart of the nation. The Levites were not counted because their mission was the care of the Tabernacle which was the most important thing. Without God in their midst, who were they? What could they possibly accomplish? He was vital to their very existence.

The census found 603,550 able-bodied fighting men which means that by the time the women and children were added in, the nation probably numbered around 2 million. But why count? Perhaps because of the leadership potential since Judah, the largest tribe, led the invasion. Or perhaps it was to show the Israelites that they had nothing to fear in the invasion since the census revealed that they had sufficient numbers to wage this war. Finally it showed that God had fulfilled His promise to Abraham. Definitely the people should have felt the presence of God in their midst and had seen His great working as well.  I imagine there must have been great excitement to embark on this journey to gain the land that God had promised them, but apparently, this excitement must have been mixed with fear.  Even though I see that God always orchestrates His callings and His plans, He also stays centered in the lives of His people. For me, He is always in my center, my heart. As He calls me and sends me to accomplish His will, He empowers me with His grace so that all that I do will bring glory to His name. Certainly there are times when my excitement is tinged with fear, but He says "Do not be afraid, for I am with You."

Keep my faith strong as I walk on the journey. Help me to remember always that You are with me in the very heart of any matter. Build my faith in You as Your grace is perfected in my weakness.
In Jesus name,

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