Thursday, February 17, 2011


Lev. 15:31
"Thus you shall keep the people of Israel separate from their uncleanness, lest they die in their uncleanness by defiling my tabernacles that is in their midst."

The regulations regarding leprosy, molds, mildews, fungi, and human discharges provided protection from pollutants and contagion. It was important to God that contagion be stopped because He dwelled in their midst, and His tabernacle could not be defiled. When I read these laws and regulations, I am constantly aware of the specificity that God instituted for the welfare of His people. He was ensuring their safety on so many levels. By way of application, am I correspondingly careful in my life since my body is the dwelling place of God? Am I constantly on the alert to confess and cleanse my heart so that I do not grieve or quench the Spirit? Do I have safeguards in place to protect against spiritual disease and sickness?

I notice that one whole chapter deals with menstruation and semen discharge, things that are normal events. Many people would have no concern about theses things considering them normal life, but God did. Similarly, as I live, there are many things that I accept as normal in my life like my sharp tongue or my irritation and impatience. Even though I accept them as part of my personality, does that make them right? I think God is ever sharpening my awareness of sin, of uncleanness even in my concept of normalcy. My growth in the Spirit is ever refining me, making me aware of anything that separates me from God and His indwelling Spirit. I need to "lay aside ever weight and the sin which clings so closely and run with endurance the race that is set before me, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." I am thinking that these weights and clinging sins can often be hidden under the guise of normalcy.

Keep me aware of the power of my flesh and the foolishness of my sin. Keep my spirit in tune with Your Spirit so that a sinful separation will not sneak into my heart.  Sharpen my sensitivities and give me an obedient heart to all Your word says.
In Jesus name,

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