Monday, January 9, 2012

The Cost

Lk. 9:62
Jesus said to him, No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.

Sometimes words are easily said that result in short-lived commitments. Jesus illustrated this principle when he talked with His disciples. First, He began by telling what it would be like to follow Him because as He lived so must they live. Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. Jesus was not at home in this world, not even as much as the foxes or birds. Even though this was true, he was not homeless, without anchor or purpose, but instead He was of another world. He was passing through this world with a specific purpose. He and His followers were and still are sojourners, strangers and aliens.

Jesus called some to follow Him which sounded like a simple request that would invite a response from many! But the issue was not the response but the quality of the response. Some said to Jesus, Lord, let me first go and bury my father. But Jesus said instead to let the dead bury their own dead; of course, this would be the spiritually dead burying the physically dead. Although this example sounded harsh and uncaring, Jesus was showing the depth of commitment that He demanded. It must supersede all other relationships and obligations.  When the believer leaves his relationships and obligations, he is to proclaim the kingdom of God. He is to invest in this kingdom with all that he does, thinks, and feels. It is all consuming! Others responded with, I will follow You, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home. They realized that they must leave their homes, but they wanted to go back just for a moment to say goodbye. Perhaps we should call this the Lot's Wife Syndrome. What are the  results of this thinking? Jesus gave strong words.  No One (and that means NO ONE) who puts his hand to the plow ( that says he will follow Jesus) and looks back (wants to say good bye yet one more time) is fit for the kingdom of God. Or in the case of Mrs. Lot, she became a pillar of salt, salt that is no longer good for anything. The cost of following Jesus is high. The words, I will follow, can only mean one thing, total and complete commitment and surrender.

Loosen my grip on the world so that I am following You wholeheartedly. Teach me what it means to invest in Your kingdom.
In His name,

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