Monday, January 23, 2012

The Shepherd

Ps. 23:6
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.       

Ps. 23 develops the sheep-shepherd scenario. For David the image of the shepherd was an everyday occurrence that he understood perfectly, but for me it has deep meaning because of John 10. I know that I am His sheep, and that Jesus is my shepherd. He has said, I am the good Shepherd and the door of the sheep. He also says that His sheep hear His voice, and He calls them by name as He leads them. Likewise, His sheep know Him and His voice. My relationship to Jesus as His sheep is intensely personal and nurturing. It is staggering to believe that the Good Shepherd knows my voice!! This relationship is also one of ultimate protection from thieves who steal and damage and from hired hands who will not protect from the ravages of the wolves. Jesus as my shepherd sacrificed His very own life to keep me safe and protected. He also gave me eternal life and allows no one to snatch me out of His hand. What a shepherd is this! All of John 10 reflects the beautiful words of Ps. 23. He makes me lie down in green pastures and beside still waters with nothing to fear, no dangers man-made or natural. He leads me in the paths of righteousness because He is righteous. When He gives me eternal life, He imputes to me His righteousness. Then His Spirit leads me as He indwells me. What a life! He does it all, I am only a sheep. Even though I am a sheep who follows, it is not because I am an extraordinarily smart sheep. It is because He has put new life in me and given me His Spirit to open my eyes, ears, and heart. He has put within me a new heart, one that is tender, loving, and submissive.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Whatever the future brings, He is with me with His rod and staff, his two tools of discipline and leadership. Whatever dark days are ahead, He has promised He will be with me. He has not promised that the road will be easy, but He will be with me teaching me, leading me, feeding me, and giving me His life-giving water. He will be all that I need and ever will want.

Teach me ever to listen carefully to the Spirit's voice as I walk. Thank You for calling me to be Your sheep and giving me Jesus as my Shepherd. You are such a loving and gracious God.
In Jesus name,

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