Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Safe Sleep

Ps. 4:8
In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

God had heard David's deep need for protection and graciously responded. But sometimes there is a waiting period between God hearing and God acting. So how did David survive while he waited for God to act on his behalf. First, he based his life on what he knew to be true about God. He had confidence that the Lord had set apart for Himself those who were godly.Since  David was godly, he was set apart for God. Secondly, he could experience the light of the face of God shining on him flooding his soul with joy. It was in this state that he could sleep safely. For me sleeping safely is not such a big deal since I don't experience danger on a nightly basis, but with David it was different. Men were constantly seeking his life. For him to sleep safely without fear of danger was a big deal and was the result of a deep trust in God based on his relationship with God and what he knew to be true about God.

Keep me trusting in You as I rest and sleep. Help me to live my life based on what is true about You.
In Jesus name,

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