Lk. 14:11
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
Jesus taught the parable of the wedding feast, in particular, dealing with the seating. Where do you sit when you are invited to the wedding feast? Do you sit in the place of honor? Of course not, those places are reserved for the family and the people especially close to the bride and groom. But if you were to sit at the head table where the bridal party would sit, how would you feel when the usher came and asked you to move? Certainly embarrassed, and the parable says shamed. Instead if you choose a seat of lesser importance, you would be honored if you were asked to move to a table of more importance. The principle is one of humility. Count others more significant than yourself. (Phil. 2:3) Follow the example of Jesus who made Himself nothing, who took the form of a servant and humbled Himself to the point of death. In the kingdom of God the guiding principle is humility: whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever is humbled will be exalted. It is only the humbled person that the Spirit of God can work through. When I am striving for recognition or praise, I am desiring to be exalted. Then no matter if I am serving God, the motivation is wrong. I am wanting the praise and not God. To glorify God, which is the goal of my life, I must decrease and He must increase. I must be humble so that He can be exalted.
Take away my desire for praise and recognition. Help me to have my eyes focused only on You in all that I do.
In Jesus name,
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