Saturday, September 4, 2010

Glad Hearts

Ps. 33:21
"For our heart is glad in Him, because we trust in His holy name."
If I am in Christ, my heart is glad, but how? This gladness comes through trust, trusting in His Holy name. This trust is not a product of my humanity, but the result of God's drawing me to Himself. When He reached down, then I could trust Him as a gift of His grace. "For by grace are you saved and not of yourselves." In myself, this trust is impossible. It is only a grace-gift. When I trust in Him, I have salvation, more grace, eternal life, strength for each day, and the list goes on. This grace-gifted trust has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness so why wouldn't I be glad?

I also think that there is power in His name, a power that completely transformed and continues to transform my life. One day all men will bow to His name, and all things will be subjected to His name. Even in the OT the names of God were important and were cherished by His people. His names characterized His relationship with His people. Jesus' name has this same divine power and characterizes His relationship with me. It is a name that not only brings me life and hope but results in my joy and gladness. As I sing and say His name in worship Him, I know His great joy.
Finally, His name is holy. Holiness is the attribute of God that includes all the others. His name is holy because He is holy, without imperfection. He is to be worshiped for His holiness. Is. 6:3 demonstrates the seraph's response to God's holiness. "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory." Not once but three times is the holiness of God sung and repeated by these angels. God's holiness is celebrated before His own throne and should be the essence of my worship as well. His name is holy! My response is one of divine gladness because I know and can call on the holy name of Jesus.
My heart is glad in the name of Your holy Son. Thank you sounds so hollow for giving me this life-changing trust.
In His holy name,

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