Friday, August 24, 2012

Hidden in the Group

Jn. 6:70
Jesus answered them, Did I not choose you, the Twelve? And yet one of you is a devil.
How sobering! Here is the midst of the 12 was one who was a fake. After many of the followers of Jesus had turned away, Jesus put the question to His 12. Do you want to go away as well?  Peter immediately answered, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God. There was the crux of the issue. Peter spoke for the group, but really from his own heart and soul. He personally knew, not only intellectually but also experientially, that Jesus was the Son of God who gave eternal life to those who believed. When someone speaks for the group, the true feelings of the group are often not reflected, and in this case, they definitely were not. Obviously, Judas did not truly know Jesus, but merely knew about Jesus. Perhaps he liked being in the group, the camaraderie or the prestige of being the treasurer, or perhaps he like the perks, the bread and the healing. What a rush! Whatever his situation, he was not a true disciple. He was the betrayer!
It makes me think about any group, even my church. I always assume everyone who attends there is on the same page, but that might not be so. So what is my course of action? Don't assume! Share the Lord wherever especially in a group of believers. Ask the hard questions. Share the spiritual realities of my life so that the doors of conversation can be open and meaningful. Jesus didn't beat around the bush with the 12; instead He asked them if they would leave too. He wanted to know if their souls were resting in Him? Certainly, I should want to know the same thing about the people  in my life.
Help me to speak clearly and lovingly about You to all those You bring into my life. Help me not to assume that everything is alright spiritually.
In Jesus name,

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