Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Bread of Life

Jn. 6:35
Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Since Jesus is the Bread of Life, certain things are true and a present and future reality:
  • Whoever comes to Him will never hunger or thirst. He is the all-satisfying One!
  • All the Father gives Him will come to Him, and He will never cast them out. What eternal security! Chosen by the Father and secure eternally.
  • Jesus came to do the will of His father, and it is His will that He lose nothing given to Him by the Father. My eternal security and destiny is the will of God.
  • Jesus will raise up those who believe on the last day. I have a resurrection body soon to be mine!
  • Whoever believes in Jesus has eternal life. New life is mine forever!
  • The bread Jesus offers the world is His flesh, His sacrifice on the cross that reconciled me to God.
  • Unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son, you have no life. This new life requires 100 % belief in all that He has done, accepting Him as Savior and Lord.
  • His flesh is the true food, and His blood is the true drink. Whoever feeds and drinks here, abides in Him and He in them. Abiding, living together forever! The Spiritual life must be greater than any earthly food or drink, any earthly prestige or position, and any earthly benefit or riches.
  • The words that Jesus spoke on that day are spirit and life. Believe and live! Yet many did not respond in belief but walked away in disbelief.
  • No one cam come to the Son unless it is granted by the Father. Jesus presented the words perfectly, yet many rejected. Belief in the Son and in His life-giving essence is a gift from the Father! Sadly, many turned away at this point and walked with Him no more.
Thank You for choosing me to come and believe. Teach me more about what it means to feed and drink on Jesus.
In His name,

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