Thursday, July 22, 2010

Go Therefore...

Mt. 28:19-20

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

When I read this verse, I realize that the amount of time I spend in making disciples is not proportionate to the amount of time I spend in shepherding or fellowshipping with the body of Christ. For me, it is much easier to spend more time in ministry than in misssion. Even though I realize that Jesus wants me to do both. Why is that? Even though time in ministry and with the body of Christ is not without difficulty and frustrations, I think that time in reaching out to the unsaved world brings with it an entire dimension of the unknown. Within the body of Christ there are a common foundations, teachings, and beliefs. What we share should bring a strong and powerful union! Yet, sadly it often brings a wishy-washy commitment or even a critical dissension. But with the world at large, my foundation is drastically different. My teaching from the Word opposes the world's system, and my belief system values the spiritual and not the temporal. All of this tends to put me drastically out of my comfort zone, yet when I really think about it, these foundational things are what the world needs to see. I need to be a reflection of Jesus Christ. I need to reveal how Christ has impacted my life!

So why am I afraid? I think that the reasons are varied. Initially, it could be a lack of trust in Christ. When I view the task, I look at it in my own flesh which sees it as impossible, but in my spirit, I know it is possible through God. Also, I think it comes down to human psychology. Who wants to be the odd man out? Who wants to be noticed or even ridiculed as being different? I know that I shouldn't think of these differences as a pariah but as a badge-of-honor. Another reason might be that I don't know enough to share, but I think that this reason is pretty much an easy out. How much do I have to know? Doesn't the Spirit indwell me for just such times as these? Won't He bring to my mind what I should share? More than that, He will even guide me to those people who need to hear. Another reason for me is the time factor. To really reach out of neighbors or others that God might bring across my path takes time, time away from my life and my schedule. There is the rub: 'MY.' All of these reasons really expose my selfishness and the power of my flesh. When it comes right down to it, is there any reason I shouldn't be passionately involved in this mission? NO!

I confess my flesh and self. How strong and sinful it is! Spirit, fill me with Your power to accomplish this mission. Take away my discomfort and fear replacing it with a passion that cannot be extinguished.
In Jesus name,

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