Friday, July 9, 2010

Hewed Out Cisterns

Jer. 2:13
"For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water."
What an situation! Not only did Israel forsake God, who is the fountain of living waters and who supplies all the water that anyone would ever need, but they engaged in self-serving cistern building. They chose to reject God's gracious offer of unlimited water flowing from an eternal fountain and preferred to hew out their own cisterns which held no water at all. Why would they chose dehydration over refreshment?
I think this verse reveals the true heart and mind of man. In the flesh, man would sacrifice his very existence to indulge his own self-will. His thinking is so blinded by his self-will that he would rather chose to die from lack of water than come to the fountain of living waters. How self-deceived man is! How blinded to the gracious offer of God!
Even though I have come to this fountain and have quenched my thirst, I think there are times that I am still in the business of cistern digging. In these times my self-will overrides my new-born spirit. It reminds me of Paul who experienced a similar struggle. In his heart, he desired to do right, but because of his flesh, he was often stymied. I have found that my flesh has a passion for digging cisterns, and if given a chance, will plunge in wholeheartedly. I need to be on the constant alert for my self-will that fuels my desire to dig new cisterns. I need to be constantly aware that these cisterns are evil, an evil that separates me from God.
I confess my penchant for cistern digging. Reveal this evil activity to me whenever I fall back into this pattern. Keep me ever hydrated at your fountains so that my spirit life may flourish and bring glory to Your name.
In Jesus name,

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