Thursday, July 8, 2010


Ecc. 5:2
"Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words by few."
What great words of wisdom! I agree that my mouth gets me into trouble when I speak without thinking. Either I am rash or speaking hastily without taking the necessary time to know all the facts. My hasty speaking often occurs in time of frustration, anger, and deep emotion. Because of the stress, I don't stop to find out all the facts; instead I just spout off. Then in humiliation I have to apologize. Solomon's advice could prevent all this from happening. It sounds so simple: don't be rash or hasty with words. Why is it so difficult?
Another thought is that even though I say these words on earth to people who are many times in the same 'mouthy boat' that I am, I am really saying these words before God. I need to remember that I must honor Him with all the words. My speaking in such ways is sin and dishonors God. When I sin with my mouth, I am not upholding God as holy before the people He has placed in my life.
The end of the matter is: Let my words be few. I need to listen to a matter, think, and remember Who I am to glorify. Venting is sin! Speaking rashly and hastily leads me down a path that never ends well.
Thank You for these great words. Help me to let my words be few. Change me from the inside out so that my heart will be godly and feed my mouth godly words so that I may glorify You.
In Jesus name,

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