Monday, July 5, 2010

Sells All

Mt. 13:44-45
"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it."
When I think of this merchant, I think of someone who is single-mindedly on his search. He is not distracted by anything inferior or second rate, but only wants fine pearls. Quality is of the utmost importance to him. When he finds this pearl, this culmination of his dedicated search, he is more than willing to pay the price. In fact, he sells all to buy it. In the parable preceding this one the kingdom of heaven is compared to a treasure hidden in a field. When the merchant finds it, he goes with joy and sells all so that he might buy it.
What lessons is this teaching about the kingdom of heaven? First it comes with single-minded searching. A key element of searching is realizing the need and possessing a great desire. Secondly, the search for life in Christ is not deterred or satisfied with an imitation faith. There are no other ways. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Thirdly, the cost for this kingdom is great. Jesus said earlier in the book that to be counted worthy, His disciples must carry their cross and follow Him. Carrying the cross and following His example demands all that a person has. It means changing one's entire life focus and priorities. Finally, when one has the desire, searches, is willing to pay the cost, he must take the final step, that is buy the pearl or the treasure. Being in the kingdom of God is the most important decision that there is. Sadly, not many are willing to pay such a high price nor to search for the one True Pearl.
Thank You for helping me find this great treasure. Continue changing me so that I might truly possess all that You are and all that You mean to be in my life.
In Jesus name,

1 comment:

  1. I thank God that it is by His grace alone that I find "the pearl". Actually, to be truthful to scripture, God finds us, doesn't He? He has, before the foundation of the earth, elected us to His family. He knew those that would rejoice over His "pearl", Jesus Christ. And yes, once joyful for this pearl, our only honest reaction should be to give our all in return. Thanks, Marcy, for presenting this scripture and your insights!
