Thursday, July 1, 2010

Take Up His Cross and Follow

Mt. 10:38-39
"And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."
What a shocking concept to view discipleship in the metaphor of crucifixion! When I read the phrase "take his cross," I think of Christ taking up His cross. That scene of Jesus struggling and beaten comes vividly into my mind. But what exactly was the cross for Jesus? Obviously, it was an instrument of cruel torture, but more than that, I think it was the instrument of God's sovereign will for Jesus. For me the cross means mercy and grace, but for Jesus it meant obedience "even to death on a cross." In the same way, discipleship means that whatever God's sovereign will for my life is, I must pick it up and follow. If I do not do this, and instead, chose my own path, then I am not worthy of Jesus. Why? In Jn. 15:20 Jesus says, "A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. " Since Jesus is my master, I cannot disobey. "For to this I have been called, because Christ also suffered for me, leaving me an example, so that I might follow in His footsteps." (I Pet. 2:21) I must follow in His footsteps especially the steps of cross-carrying and suffering. It is in these steps that I learn obedience. The hard questions come into my mind and my heart. Am I carrying the cross that God has given me? Am I even seeing this cross, or are the eyes of my spirit clouded by a preoccupation with what the world has to offer?
Then the verse goes on to develop a paradox of losing and finding. If I find my life spiritually which includes cross-carrying, then I must lose the life of worldly priorities. The spirit-life found is the world-life lost. They can't coexist for "no man can have two masters." But the cool thing is that though I lose the life that the world prizes and cherishes, I have found a life of infinitely greater good. However, finding this life hinges on cross-carrying. The way to blessing is through suffering, and the way to gain is through loss. These are the paradoxes of obedience. God's way is definitely not the world's way. Have I found my life in God, or am I trying to hold on to both worlds? If finding true life comes from the loss of this life, then it must be through faith. I mean who is going to chose loss? No, this comes through the power at work within me strengthening me in my inner man so that Christ may dwell in my heart causing me to comprehend the love of Christ. It is His controlling love and life that gives me the strength to carry, to follow, and to choose to lose. "He is no fool who loses what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
Strengthen me in obeying Your will for my life, in carrying my cross, and in following You. I want to gain life in You. Sharpen my eyes so that I may see Your will and chose You way.
In Jesus name,

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