Saturday, July 10, 2010

Set Your Mind on Things of God

Mt. 16:23
"But He turned and said to Peter, Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the earth."
Jesus was sharing with the disciples what was to come, that is His suffering, death, and resurrection. When Peter heard these words, he was undone. Obviously, he could only think of the physical details of death and suffering. It was as if he could not comprehend the resurrection that was also to come. He countered Jesus by declaring that this could never be, as if there was anything that he could do to change what God had set in motion. With deep emotion, Jesus responded calling him Satan. Why would Jesus respond so strongly? Why wasn't He gentle with Peter? I think it was because Peter's response was doubting the very plan of God. Not only that but Peter was trying to interfere with the plan of God that was the reason for Jesus' entire earthly existence. Peter's focus was entirely temporal and not eternal. Even though he had been with Jesus on a daily basis, had been taught by Jesus, and had witnessed many miracles; he could not see beyond the physical details of life to see the hand of God at work in the life of Jesus.
This story makes me think of my response to events and details that God sends into my life. Can I see beyond the physical details of life to see the hand of God, or do I rail against these circumstances? Do I say that these events are unfair and should not be? Am I only focusing on the harsh realities or the seeming impossible turn of events, or am I looking for God's grace to live out His plan? When I think of Jesus calling Peter Satan, it brings so many thoughts to my mind. Have I ever doubted God or interfered with God's plan to the degree that Jesus would think that I am a 'Satan'? Somehow when I think of Jesus calling him Satan, it seems so much worse than Jesus saying that Peter was setting his mind on the things of man. Maybe if I would use the harsh approach with myself and realize that I am working with Satan to oppose Jesus, then I would not stubbornly want my own way, but would cry out for grace immediately and trust Him even in this.
What an amazing thought that Peter, a disciple who spent many hours with Jesus, who left all to follow Jesus, and who was a leader of other disciples, could still be called 'Satan' ! Such heavy words! How does Jesus speak to me? Does my life engender tenderness or harshness? Am I justifying my worldly mindset, or am I seeing life as Jesus does? What is my heart's desire in all the circumstances that God sends my way? Do I see them as the hand of a loving God forming me into a vessel that can be used for service and to bring glory to His name?
I am deeply touched by Jesus' response to Peter. Spirit, convict me when my mind is on the things of the earth. Strengthen me so my heart and mind will be obedient and submissive to Your will for my life. I cry out for Your gentle voice and Your tender mercy, but if I need the harsh word, bring down the hammer so that I will glorify Your name.
In Jesus name,

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