Friday, July 23, 2010

God's Son

Heb. 1:2b-3

"He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom also He created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature, and He uphold the universe by the Word of His power. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high."

I don't even like to think where would I be without the Son. His life is crucial to my life's very existence because His nature directly impacts my life. First, it is through the Son that God speaks to me. Without Jesus, my line of communication would not exist. He was the Word from the very beginning, the logos, and it is this Word that is directly responsible for my salvation. His Word is the gospel of grace, the means of my growth in grace and knowledge, and the power for my walk of faith.
Secondly, He was the agent of creation of the world that I live in. John said "All things were made through Him and without Him was not any thing made that was made." That includes my world and me. Without Him I would not exist at all.

Thirdly, He made purification for sin, not for His sin because He had none, but for my sin. Without His death and shed blood, my sin would forever label me as LOST. In fact, my sinful nature would prevent me from ever saving myself. For "I am saved through grace by faith and not of my own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." I can only boast in the cross. It was, is, and will be my blessed hope.

Fourthly, because of my relationship with Jesus the living Word and its power indwelling me, I can worship and know God. Jesus is "radiance of His glory, the exact imprint of His nature, and the upholder of the universe simply by the word of His power." Wow! How would I know God at all without Jesus? How could I praise and worship Him without having a personal relationship with the exact imprint of His nature? Because of Jesus' unique relationship with the Father, I have grace and truth. No one has ever seen God, but Jesus has made Him known.

Finally, Jesus is heir to all, and likewise, so am I. "If I am a child, then an heir-an heir of God and fellow heir with Christ..." How amazing! Jesus saves me, sacrifices His life for me, and then shares His inheritance with me.

My life is so rich because of Jesus. I can worship God the Father through the Son at the throne of grace and mercy where I find all I need to delight in God. I can meet God through His Son on a personal level! My heart and life are transformed by this great power resident within me. I can honor and glorify my great God though the Son. Without Jesus, I have no hope, but with Him, my life is made new, is being transfromed, and will be praising God forever. Wow! What a glorious Son! What a glorious salvation!

My heart is so full of thanks that I cannot find any words that will expess my joy in Jesus. You are a God beyond thought and comprehension. I can only rest in Your gracious and sacrificial love.
In Jesus name,

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