Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Ecc. 4:6
"Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind."
Do I really understand the concept of a handful of quietness as opposed to the busyness of life, or have I really thought about quietness as a blessing? When I think about this, the first thing that comes to my mind is what can be accomplished in quietness. First, quietness allows for thought. Many times as life is racing around me, there is no time for reflection. I am merely running from one thing to the next as if I am on autopilot, going through life by rote. Secondly, quietness allows me to hear the voice of God. I can become like Mary who chose the better part, who sat in adoration and quietude with Jesus. Thirdly, quietness allows me time to study and to grow in Jesus. As I read and study, I can think and reflect on what God is saying to me through His word. Fourthly, when I am quiet, I can pray. I can pour out my heart before God. I can relate to Him as I should giving Him all the glory and honor. Fifthly, I can hear the needs of others instead of rushing around meeting my own needs. If I listen closely enough, I can hear the words that are not spoken and the feelings that so want to be heard. I would imagine that I could list so many more blessings that come from quietness, but I will end with the blessing of an added awareness. In quietness, I can see God's hand in my life, and I can see how my life is intricately woven with the lives of other believers. Busyness captures my moments and controls my life, but quietness expands my moments by revealing to me God's hand and sovereign plan.
Thank You for blessing me with quietness. Help me to seek it above the busy race of life. In that quietness, help me always to seek you.
In Jesus name,

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