Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Praise from God

Rom. 2:29
"But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God."

God is praising a changed heart over outward show. In the verse previous, Paul talks about what really comprises a Jew.  It can't be an outward show of righteousness, nor an outward act of circumcision. Outward conformity without a changed heart is good for nothing, but why are men so concerned with outward conformity?  Somehow people think if they are fooling other people, their religion is OK, but Paul is saying man's praise is nothing. Maybe it might feel good for a few fleeting moments, but in the realm of eternity, whose praise really counts?  God's! 

My life needs to be focused on the true heart issues, on the circumcision of my heart. I need to cut off the flesh so that I am no longer a slave to it. I need to live transparently for Jesus seeking to please God and not men. When my heart and focus is vertical, honest, and true, then God will be glorified and honored.  The rub comes in getting rid of the fleshy desire for the praise of men.  How???  What strategies could I use? First, I must truly desire to live without man's praise. Even though I say it, it is so hard to mean it! I think that I would need to pray and ask the Spirit to guide me into living this way and into glorifying God.  I would have to fill my entire life with the Bible so that it might do its transforming work on me. First and foremost, I would have to cry out to God for His grace.  It must all be of grace or it will be just another work of my flesh.  So complex!  

Show me how to live this heart-circumcised walk.  Show me how to seek only Your praise. Root out my desire to be noticed and praised by men.
In Jesus name,

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