Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Slave to Righteousness

Rom. 6:19b
"So not present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification."

What a contrast!  Previously, I was a slave to sin. As a slave, I had no choice in the matter. Everything about my life was decided by the slave master, Satan.  I lived in sin, acted in sin, thought in sin, and even enjoyed sin. It was all that I knew. Sin, in all its impurity and lawlessness, was my life. Sadly this life only produced more lawlessness. 

But once Jesus came into my life, my ownership changed. My master now is Jesus Christ. It is interesting though that in my new life I am still a slave, but now a slave to righteousness that leads to sanctification. Since I am a slave, I still have no choice about my life. I must live, act, think, and enjoy righteousness.  This new life in all its righteousness and sanctifiying power is my totality. 

But here is the problem, even though I know this is true, why do I still struggle with sin?  Why do I still make choices that don't lead to righteousness? In v.  22 it says that I have been set free from sin, that is from sin's hold over me. I know that sin cannot dictate my life, my actions, my thoughts, or even my attitudes, but that doesn't mean that I still won't make wrong decisions at time. The wonderful thing is that I have a loving Master who brings me back into obedience and into right living.  When I disobey, I don't need to fear death because I have eternal life. But what can I do to live like I am a slave of righteousness?  Perhaps, I can change my mindset.  I can think about the fact that Jesus paid a high price for me to be His slave, and  dwell on righteousness and how it works out practically in my life. Secondly, I need to realize that it says to present my member as slaves to righteousness. Jesus is not asking me to live righteously in my own ability. He is asking me to be willing to live like this.  He desires surrender and submission from my heart.  If those things are in place, His grace will flood in like a river and make this new life a reality. Thirdly, I need to really want it. It must be my heart's desire to delight in my new master and live to please and glorify Him.  What are the attitudes of my heart? Am I surrendered, or I am looking back at the old thoughts, attitudes, and actions?  Am I focused on my new master or am I looking around at sin's offerings?  Surrendered and submissive!  A slave to righteousness!

I confess my weakness with sin and ask that You give me the strength to surrender and submit.  I want to be Your slave and live righteously in sanctifying power.  Keep my hands open to You and not gripping the old things from the world.
In Jesus name,

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