Jn. 20:16
'"Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned to Him and said in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" which means Teacher."'
Jesus knows His sheep and calls them by name, and His sheep know Him and recognize His voice. When Jesus said Mary's name, that was all she needed. She knew it was Jesus in spite of His recent death, the supposed misplacement of His body from the tomb, and the fact that she considered Him to be the gardener. In a single word all that was cleared up without any extra proof. His voice was was the bond between them as it is for all His sheep. I believe if I would have been there in that situation, I would have known Jesus' voice as well because I am His sheep also. A single word from Jesus brings more identification and surety than any number of facts from the world.
Why did Jesus appear to Mary first? Perhaps because women are more relational relying more on feelings than on facts, or perhaps because she was the first seeker. She was hungry to see Him and to take care of His body. Nothing could deter her. Her bond with Him was strong and unbroken by the circumstances of the day and of His death. Whatever the reason, it certainly demonstrates the power of the Words of Jesus. His Words and the Word are like no other words. They are the words that build a personal relationship that lasts for eternity.
Keep me ever alert to the Your words so that my relationship will always be strong and vibrant.
In Jesus name,