Sunday, November 14, 2010

Judge No One

Jn. 8:15
"You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one."

I am so aware of my tendency to judge others on their commitment, their responses, their appearances, their choices, and so much more. Realizing that I need to stop this behavior, I have asked for God's help, still  in  this passage, Jesus gives more insight into my human pitfall.  First, I need to realize that Jesus never judged. My behavior is born of my flesh and thrives in my flesh. In fact, Jesus Himself was the butt of religious judging. How heinous to judge the very Son of God! But then I remember that the people that I judge are believers, part of the body of Christ, and have the Holy Spirit resident within them. Seems somewhat heinous as well!

Jesus also gave a graphic example of judging when he relayed the account of the Pharisees and Scribes bringing to Him an adulterous woman. When confronted about what to do with her, He merely said, "Let him who is without sin among you, be the first to throw a stone at her."  There is the heart of the matter: throwing stones at others when I am no better. How can I judge considering my heart, my life style, and my sinful flesh? How can I judge others when my judging attitude is sin in itself? What a visual for me to remember! Each of my words and thoughts are stones aimed at an other's life to bring them down.

Jesus then goes to the heart of His accusers saying that they were  from this world and He was not; They did not know the Father or His Son; They did not know the truth or abide in His Words; and They were not of God and did not hear the Words of God. Pretty powerful accusations! What I can take from this is that I need to know the Truth, and this Truth will set me free, free from my petty judging, free to know God, and free to love the Son. This amazing Truth is found in the Word. The Word is what will change me from the inside out and allow the Fruit of the Spirit to grow and stamp out the works of my flesh. Why do I still grovel in the flesh when Jesus has given me a life beyond belief? The power of the flesh is unbelievably strong to enslave and destroy, but walking in the Light and Truth is even stronger. When judgmental thoughts fly into my head, I need the desire to send them on their way, and the power of Christ to do it!  " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

I confess my judgmental spirit. Cleanse me and put me on a right path. Send Your Spirit to convict, guide and lead me in Your way. Help me to love others as You did.
In Jesus name,

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