Monday, November 1, 2010

Patiently Waiting

Jas. 5:8
"You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand."

The Lord is coming! My responsibility is to wait patiently all the while establishing my heart. What does that mean? To establish means to make firm like a foundation, to be steady and permanent. In the spiritual realm that means growing in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ as well as growing in sanctifying grace so that I will be holy and blameless when He comes. I won't be like one the unwise virgins who were caught unprepared with no oil in her lamp. Instead my lamp will be burning brightly with plenty of fuel in reserve.

Waiting patiently implies that the believer can hardly wait, that He is impatient. So much so that He wants Jesus to come right now. I think that there are only few people who are impatient for the Lord to come. In fact, many are so wrapped in their lives and this world's culture that they secretly hope He doesn't come for quite awhile. They have plans, things they want to do first. This speaks to my heart directly! What is my attitude about the coming of the Lord? Am I looking forward to it? Thankfully, I am looking forward to it so much more than I used to. I am genuinely concerned that I be ready when He does come, but I have such a ways yet to go.

Later in the passage it says that there are other things that are part of this waiting process: not grumbling against one another, suffering patiently, and being steadfast through whatever comes. I shouldn't grumble or judge other believers because Jesus the righteous Judge is nearly here. It is His responsibility to judge not mine. The examplesof suffering and steadfastness were the prophets who spoke the message regardless of the suffering they took and Job who suffered beyond belief but remained steadfast. Should these examples characterize my life? Should I be suffering for speaking out the Word and for remaining steadfastly obedient to God?  Tough questions!  I am not seeing my life as an arena for this intense suffering. I am wondering if this lack of suffering is related to a poor attitude toward Christ's return?  Suffering would intensify my desire to see the Lord, to be with Him and the Father, to be finally home. In my life I see that the pain of illness has drawn me so much closer to the Lord. It has made me cry out for His grace constantly and has made me look forward to His return. I can only imagine what suffering like the prophets would do in my life.

The bottom line is wait patiently and get ready! Redeem the time, use it for God sharing Jesus Christ with others and growing in grace.

Teach me how to be ready for the return of Your Son. Strengthen my desire for His return.
In His name,

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