Sunday, November 7, 2010


Jn. 3:30
"He must increase and I must decrease."

Early on, John the Baptist, gives unbelievable insight into a personal relationship with Jesus. Even though he was the forerunner, he knew his position. He was to decrease, to become unseen, as Jesus became increasingly more visible. This did happen with help from the powers that be! Not only did John know he had to decrease, but he lost his head which decreased him to the point of utter silence

I am wondering if this concept doesn't draw a parallel for me. Certainly, in  my life, I must decrease while Jesus must increase. Every day I need to be growing in 'decreasing' so that Jesus may increase phenomenally. John the Baptist's final decrease was  loss of his head, the loss of his life. In my life, it would be a blessing if metaphorically I lost 'my head.' It is my head which often seeks ascendancy over Jesus in my life. It is my head that still makes claims of self-sufficiency, and it is my head that succumbs to my flesh over and over again. But how? How could I lose my head without going John's gruesome way. "For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Jesus Christ." Taking my thoughts captive for obedience is losing 'my head.' What a great concept! But where is the power to do such a task? It comes in the divine power, the power of the Spirit of God resident within my life. He is there to teach, guide, convict, and even become my weapon against my flesh. Through His grace, I must use the Spirit, calling and relying on Him. I think my failures come because I try and fight this battle using my own strength, my mind and my flesh. I try and fight this battle. It never works! It must be of grace so that no man may boast. My decreasing and His increasing should be my constant prayer.

Show me how to battle my flesh and mind through Your divine power. Fill me completely with Your grace so that I will be decreasing and Jesus will be increasing.
In Jesus name,

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