Jn. 9:3
'"Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed."'
Jesus' encounter with the man born blind reveals much about man's thinking, and his desire to attach blame to situations. As Jesus and his disciples walked by the blind man, the disciples wanted to know whose sin resulted in his blindness. Why would he be blind from birth? Surely this must be someone's fault. But Jesus' answer took their thinking in a totally different direction. The man was born blind to show the works of God, specifically to show the healing power of Jesus. And show His power it did!
What a firestorm his healing caused! First the neighbors did not know what to make of it. So they took him to the Pharisees who could not get beyond the timing of the healing. How could this healing be of God if it was done on the Sabbath? The man was grilled repeatedly, but he always said same thing, "If this man were not from God, He could do nothing." Such faith! However, the Pharisees did not share his belief. They were insulted that this man who was born in sin would try and teach them anything. Were not the Pharisees born the same way? How blinding is pride!
Later, Jesus speaks with the man asking him if he believed. His response, "Lord, I believe." His life and his heart were changed by the healing power of Jesus. His life did show the works of God. The Pharisees were watching this final encounter, and asked him pointedly if they were blind. Jesus spoke truthfully that their lives were ones of guilt and spiritual blindness. They could see physically, but their hearts were blinded to the truth of who Jesus. Ouch!
Jesus power is so great and has opened my eyes, washed away my sin, and changed me on a daily basis. I can say that He has done many things in my life to show His great works, but I need to remember that His dealings with me are through His grace not my guilt. He views me as one washed in the blood and covered in the holiness of Jesus. When he disciplines me, it is because He loves me not because of my performance or my guilt over that performance. What can I say but, "Lord, I believe." Thank you so much!
Your great grace is amazing--You chose me to be Your child, You washed my eyes, and You see me covered in His blood and with His righteousness! Keep teaching me about the riches of Your grace every day.
In Jesus name,
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