Thursday, November 25, 2010


Jn. 16:33
"I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart; I have overcome the world."

Since Jesus knew the great need for human peace, He was making it abundantly clear where peace could be found. Even though people have tried to legislate peace, establish peace-keeping missions, and even have peace-keeping troops, human efforts have failed! Lasting peace is supernatural and finds its basis in Jesus Christ. When Jesus was speaking with His disciples in this passage, He was preparing them for His death and all the horrible circumstances that would surround it. Certainly, this would be a time when peace would be impossible. Yet, in the midst of these horrendous circumstances, there could be personal peace. How? Jesus said that peace would come from His words and from His presence. The world is fraught with tribulation, hardship, persecution, etc. but it's no worry for the believer because Jesus has overcome the world. Since He is my Savior and lives within me, His victory is my victory! So even though I live in this world, I am not of the world. When tribulations and trials come, I just need to remember Jesus, His death, His resurrection, and His Words; I just need to remember His Holy Spirit who lives within me giving me divine joy and peace in devastating circumstances; and I need to remember all His words especially the promise that all things work together for my good because I love God and am called according to His purpose. When my peace flees, it is because I am not where I should be that is in His Word, praying through the Spirit, and dwelling in the presence of Jesus and the Father. What foolishness it is when Jesus has given me peace and I fail to use it! What foolishness it is when I let the world drag me down into its discord and destruction! What foolishness it is when I forget the words of Jesus! Personal peace is mine through Jesus!

Thank You for sending Your son to bring peace and to be peace! His death is my death, and His victory is my victory! When He overcame, He made it possible for me to overcome. Through Your Spirit, keep me peaceful in You and with others.
In Jesus name,

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