Thursday, December 9, 2010

For the Sake of the Name

III Jn. 7
"For they have gone out for the sake of the name..."

John was encouraging those who had been faithful to traveling missionaries. He continued by giving instructions on how to send them in a manner worthy of the gospel, that is supporting their physical needs so that they would be freed to spread the gospel. He was teaching the pattern of either being a 'goer' or a  'giver'. Either way both jobs are vital to spreading the gospel. The motivation for these missionaries was stated simply in the phrase "for the sake of the name." 

I am thinking that this phrase should be the motivation for all that I do. Wherever God has placed me, He wants me to live for the sake of His name. How would I do that? If I were to compare my life to the life of a missionary, I would hope to see some similarities. First, like a missionary, I should have as my primary focus sharing the gospel and ministering to others. In order for me to do this I would have to be saturated in the Word and prayer so that what I had to share would be of the Spirit and not of self. Sadly, what I see in most missionaries, that is self-sacrifice, leaving of family, going without many wants and even needs, is not in my life. Am I too focused on accomplishing the physical details of my life? Am I putting the spiritual before the mundane? Am I actively seeking ways to share the gospel? Am I constantly remembering to live for the sake of His name?

My heart is convicted by this simple phrase. Show me how to make it a reality in my life. I am so thankful that You have given me Your name and made my Your child. You are my treasure.
In Jesus name,

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